اسمي محمد خوام وأبلغ الثانیة والعشرین من العمر من موالید مدینة حلب -سوریا، أعیش ﻓﻲ ترکیا منذ ٧ سنین لقد عملت ﻓﻲ مجالات مختلفة ولکنني لم أتخلی عن حلمي...
I'm an enthusiastic journalist and graphic designer with over five years of experience in the media and design field. My background includes strong s...
A professional motion graphic artist with +10 years of experience, looking to improve my skills and experiences in graphic design industry, based in T...
Digital marketing manager, media strategist, and life-long learner, looking for a collaborative working environment to practice my skills and obtain n...
A journalist with more than 18 years of experience in various fields of journalism and media, from editing, writing news and reports, preparing progra...
Video Editor and Videographer (Premier, After Effect, Adobe Audition, Photoshop, and Illustrator) experienced in working with international teams and...
I work as a photographer and I am good at using Sony and Canon cameras and photographing via a drone (I hold a drone driving certificate from the Turk...
Showing 111 إلى 120 of 1684 results